A couple of months back I started documenting life with ‘a photo a day’ thing that has became the latest fad.
It wasn’t for a regular instagram update, or Facebook status of what i ate that day, it was purely for me. I have realised that life is just running by… Another meal, another job completed, another day past and I am losing track of everything. Friends. Family. Even myself. I have experienced so much in the past 12 months, not only in my career, but my personal life that I thought it would be really cool to collate a years worth of thoughts, songs and images and make a book.
As life intensified, I hit rock bottom. Because I had to reserve all creative ability for jobs my project fell by the wayside.
Now, I have found my feet again and I finally have time to focus on my personal work. I went through some of the images I’d captured in the last few months and found this little story… my nephew’s 4th birthday.
As I’m looking at the images I shake my head and can’t help but smile as his crazy and adorable personality unravels as the night goes on. I love how kids can get away with celebrating their birthday walking around in their jocks with chocolate cake all over their face… Not that i would really want to walk around in my undies in front of my family (a sight no one needs to see), that would just be awkward… But to have that freedom, be none the wiser and just happy. We were all happy that he opted for undies that night, opposed to the preferred ‘free’ form we have grown accustomed to.
I am thinking about resuming my daily documentary because I did enjoy it and I really LOVE documenting.
Anyhoo, here is a wee post of my little man’s birthday… I hope you enjoy.
Want to see more of my story? Click here