Chloe & Dani / Same Sex Wedding Yarra Valley

Chloe & Dani / Same Sex Wedding Yarra Valley

Proud to say this same sex wedding Yarra Valley was featured on the funky wedding magazine HELLO MAY! check it out here HELLO MAY I started to write a heart felt intro (for this wedding was very dear to me in so many ways). However, everything I wrote just didn’t cut...
Emma & Kelly / EPIC Bush Wedding

Emma & Kelly / EPIC Bush Wedding

This EPIC Bush wedding is like no other I have been to! When I received the invite and read “I will not come unless _________________ song is played” I got all excited! And I tell you, when my song (“Push It” by Salt and Pepper) belted out at 10.30pm, I...
Brett & Nicholas / Gay wedding

Brett & Nicholas / Gay wedding

A little while back, I had the honour to photograph my brother’s gay wedding to his long term boyfriend. A continuing career highlight is my ability to make people happy, its even more rewarding when I have the opportunity to make family happy. To this day Australia...